November 2, 2014

California Coming Home

This has been the song of my life for the last five and a half months.

 By the time you read this I will be sitting on a plane during an 11 and a half hour trip home.

I never thought this day would come. I have loved this trip, learned so much, and seen so many wonderful things. I feel like myself again, and have such aclearer idea of what to do in the coming days, weeks, months, years. I regret absolutely nothing about this trip, and am so thankful for all the many many many growing pains I had to go through. I'm so thankful for all the moments of utter joy and for getting my spark back. I can't even wrap my head around the wonders of the past months and they have forever changed me.

But hot damn, I am so ready for home. I'm ready to hug my peeps and never let them go. I'm ready to hug my car and sewing machine, to pursue all my dreams, to life the life I want and to never quit again. To walk on the hot sand and breathe in that Pacific Ocean air. I'm going to devour as much In N Out as I can, surf, go to Disneyland, and even soak in the sun. I've learned that while I hate the heat, I love California. No more saying I don't. It is the best. It is home. It's full of hopes and dreams and excellent tacos. And guys, I friggin love it.

The last few days of waiting have been torture. For the last two weeks I've been counting down the days until I'm back in my favourite place with my favourite people. Scratch that, I've been counting down the days since I left. I am so, so, so excited! This plane cannot fly fast enough. I may even actually take something to make me sleep for as many of the hours as possible because oh good lord I cannot, CANNOT wait to be back home.

I'll be taking a hiatus (because I'm so reliable at posting...) for the rest of the month and probably for most of December as well. I do have a few posts up my sleeve before 2015 hits (what!?), but for now I'm taking some time to sleep, catch up, hug people, eat tacos, get life organized, sleep... I'm going to sleep a lot. So see you soon. See you from home!

I love that word. Home.

California I am coming for you. You'd better have Chipotle waiting for me. I can't wait to see you.

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